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    Associate Professor

    Department of Resource and Environment

    Tel: +86-21-34208042

    Email: xqgeng@sjtu.edu.cn

    Address: No. 2-319, Building of Agriculture & Biology



Research Interests:

1.  Investigating plant resistance mechanisms under biotic stresses

2. Virulence functions of bacteria-derived virulence factors, including Type III effectors and Coronatine





2005/09-2011/12 PH.D Plant cellular and molecular biology, mentored by David Mackey,

                                      Ohio State University

2000/09-2003/06 M.S. Horticulture, mentored by Zhang Da-Peng, China Agricultural University

1996/09-2000/06 B.S. Horticulture, Shanxi Agricultural University



Research Experience/Achievement


During plant and microbe interaction, potential bacteria pathogens deploy type III effectors and toxins to disrupt plant immune responses. Coronatine, as a non-host toxin, have been found to suppress plant defense responses by hijack JA-dependent signaling pathway to promote bacterial virulence. We have found that COR is a multifunctional defense suppressor. We continue to study the virulence function of COR how to regulate plant secondary metabolites to promote bacteria growth and suppress plant defense response.





1. Xueqing Geng*, Mingzhe Shen, Jin Hee Kim, David Mackey*, The Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors AvrRpm1 and AvrRpt2 promote virulence dependent on the F-box protein COI1, Plant Cell Rep, 2016, 35(4): 921-32

2. Sufen Cui, Lei Wang, Long Ma, Xueqing Geng*, P450-mediated detoxification of botanicals in insects, Phytoparasitica, 2016, Vol.44(5): 585-599

3. Xueqing Geng, Lin Jin, Mikiko Shimada, Min Gab Kim, David Mackey* ,The phytotoxin coronatine is a multifunctional component of the virulence armament of Pseudomonas syringae, Planta, 2014,(6): 1149-1165

4. Xueqing Geng, Jiye Cheng, Anju Gangadharan, David Mackey*, The coronatine toxin of Pseudomonas syringae is a multifunctional suppressor of Arabidopsis defense. Plant Cell, 2012, 24(11): 4763-4774

5. Xueqing Geng, David Mackey*, Dose-response to and systemic movement of dexamethasone in the GVG-inducible transgene system in Arabidopsis. Methods in Molecular Biology, John M. Walker, Humana Press Inc. 2011, pp 59-68

6. Ji Aiqing*, Geng Xueqing*, Wu Guoliang. (2011). Advances in Somatic Embryogenesis Research of Horticultural Plants. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011, Published Online, 2011 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/pos). (*Authers contributed equally).

7. Kim Min Gab, Xueqing Geng, Lee Sang Yeol, David Mackey, The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector AvrRpm1 induces significant defenses by activating the Arabidopsis nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat protein RPS2, Plant J, 2009, 57(4): 645-653

8. Xiang-Chun Yu, Mei-Jun Li, Gui-Feng Gao, Hai-Zhong Feng, Xue-Qing Geng, Chang-Cao Peng, Sai-Yong Zhu,Xiao-Jing Wang, Yuan-Yue Shen, Da-Peng Zhang*, Abscisic acid stimulates a calcium-dependent protein kinase in grape berry, Plant Physiol, 2006, 140 (2): 558-579


Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China Copyright © 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Support by: Wei Cheng

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