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学术沙龙第一期:Evolutionary Mechanism Underpinning Metabolic Diversity in Plants

发布时间:2020-12-02  阅读次数:2529

报 告 人:刘振华  农生-太阳集团入口植物科学系   长聘教轨副教授 博导 独立PI

时    间:2020年12月2日 (星期三) 12:45-13:30

地    点:农生-太阳集团入口创新楼(B楼)104会议室





Evolutionary Mechanism Underpinning Metabolic Diversity in Plants







1.Liu Z, Cheema J, Vigouroux M, Hill L, Reed J, Paajanen P, Yant L, Osbourn A. Formation and diversification of a paradigm biosynthetic gene cluster in plants. Nat Commun2020 Oct;11(1) 5354. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19153-6.

2.Liu Z, Suarez Duran HG, Harnvanichvech Y, Stephenson MJ, Schranz ME, Nelson D, Medema MH, Osbourn A. Drivers of metabolic diversification: how dynamic genomic neighbourhoods generate new biosynthetic pathways in the BrassicaceaeNew Phytol2020 Aug;227(4):1109-1123.

3.Liu Z, Tavares R, Forsythe ES, André F, Lugan R, Jonasson G, Boutet-Mercey S, Tohge T, Beilstein MA, Werck-Reichhart D, Renault H. Evolutionary interplay between sister cytochrome P450 genes shapes plasticity in plant metabolism. Nat Commun. 2016 Oct 7;7:13026.



SPEAKER: Zhenhua Liu

Tenure-track Associate Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, PI

Department of Plant Science, SAB

TIME :12:45-13:30  Dec 2, 2020  (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Evolutionary Mechanism Underpinning Metabolic Diversity in Plants


Numerous examples of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs), including for compounds of agricultural and medicinal importance, have now been discovered in plant genomes. However, little is known about how these complex traits are assembled and diversified. Here we examine a large number of variants within and between species for a paradigm BGC (the thalianol cluster), which has evolved specifically within the Arabidopsis genus. Comparisons at the species level reveal differences in BGC organization and involvement of auxiliary genes, resulting in production of species-specific triterpenes. Within species, the thalianol cluster is primarily fixed, showing a low frequency of deleterious haplotypes. We further identify adaptive chromosomal inversion as a molecular mechanism that shuffles more distant genes into the cluster, so enabling cluster compaction. Antagonistic natural selection pressures are likely involved in shaping the occurrence and maintenance of this BGC. Our work sheds light on the birth, life and death of complex genetic and metabolic traits in plants.

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