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发布时间:2021-07-05  阅读次数:4951

报 告 人:陈诚  农业与生物-太阳集团入口植物科学系 长聘教轨副教授

   间:2021年7月7日(星期三) 12:40-14:00










报告人2006年获沈阳农业大学生物工程专业学士学位。2012年获中国农业大学细胞生物学专业博士学位(导师:袁明教授)。博士期间,于2010年10月至2011年10月在美国加州大学戴维斯分校进行博士联合培养(导师:William Lucas教授)。2014-2019年在美国密歇根州立大学进行博士后研究(导师:Katherine Osteryoung教授),于2019年10月入职农生-太阳集团入口植科系。








  1. Chen, C.#, Cao, L., Yang, Y., Porter, K. and Osteryoung, K.W.# (2019). ARC3 Activation by PARC6 Promotes FtsZ-Ring Remodeling at the Chloroplast Division Site. The Plant Cell 31, 862–885. (#corresponding author)
  2. Chen, C., MacCready, J.S., Ducat, D.C. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2018). The Molecular Machinery of Chloroplast Division. Plant Physiology 176(1), 138–151.
  3. Zhang, M.*, Chen, C.*, Froehlich, J.E., Terbush, A.D. and Osteryoung, K.W. (2016). Roles of Arabidopsis PARC6 in Coordination of the Chloroplast Division Complex and Negative Regulation of FtsZ Assembly. Plant Physiology 170(1), 250–262.
  4. Su, S.*, Liu, Z.*, Chen, C.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Zhu, L., Miao, L., Wang, X., C. and Ming, Y. (2010). Cucumber Mosaic Virus Movement Protein Severs Actin Filaments to Increase the Plasmodesmal Size Exclusion Limit in Tobacco. The Plant Cell 22, 1373–1387. (*equal contribution) 




SPEAKER: Cheng Chen

Tenure-track Associate Professor, PI

Dept. of Plant Sciences, SAB

TIME :12:40-14:00  July 7th, 2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Mechanisms and Spatial Regulation of Chloroplast Division


During leaf cell expansion and plant growth, the population of chloroplasts in plant cells must increase, which is crucial for photosynthetic capacity and ensures faithful inheritance of organelles during cell division. Chloroplasts are propagated through binary fission of preexisting organelles. This process is powered by a dynamic macromolecular machine positioned at the middle of the organelle. Ring-like contractile structures are assembled on both the inner and outer envelope membranes of chloroplasts. The foundation of the division machinery and first contractile structure to assemble is the stromal Filamenting temperature-sensitive Z (FtsZ) ring (Z ring), composed of the tubulin-like, self-assembling cytoskeletal protein FtsZ. The placement of the Z ring to the midplastid division site is governed by the chloroplast Min (Minicell) system, which inhibits Z-ring assembly everywhere except the division site. The central Min-system player is the FtsZ-assembly inhibitor ACCUMULATION AND REPLICATION OF CHLOROPLASTS3 (ARC3). However, the subcellular localization and the regulation of the inhibitory activity of ARC3 remains unclear. In this talk, we will update our current knowledge in terms of the function and regulation of ARC3 during chloroplast division.

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